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Opt Out?

Thank you for your involvement in the UK Women’s Cohort study to date – the information you gave us 20 years ago about your diet and lifestyle then has already helped us answer many questions about what we choose to eat can help us live longer healthier lives [some of our findings are listed here].

We are now hoping to extend the range of health outcomes we investigate by linking the dietary and lifestyle information you have already given us with information about hospital visits and diagnoses doctors make.

If you are happy for the information you have already given us about your diet and lifestyle to be linked with information about any hospital visits and diagnoses you may have, then you do not need to do anything further.

However, your participation is voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any time without giving a reason. If you do withdraw, any medical treatment will not be affected.

If you wish to opt out from having the information you have given us linked with further health outcomes, or have any concerns about this process, then please contact the study team [here].

We will clarify with you which parts of the study you wish to opt out of and remove that information from any future research that would use it.